

Being satisfied is a good thing right?? Just wanted to ask... LOL.. Well, at least for myself I can say that I am satisified with where I am at in life. I have achieved so much since I had my daughter. I moved into my own place, I just got my car ( I OWN IT). I was at the beginning of the game board and I am now in the middle trying to reach the end. Life is full of surprises, positive and negative. I am always appreciative for the things that I do have. I always knew that the things I wanted to do could be done but it was others that thought otherwise. My mind wonders at times. Wondering where would I be without this, this and this. Don't take life for granted... Cherish your life and everyone elses around you.

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I'm glad you got the car! Is life feeling at least a little bit easier now?